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Start your first instance

After following this document you will

  1. Have a trial instance running on your local computer
  2. Connect to the test instance and send files to your backend bucket


For this tutorial to work you need to:

Generate a trial license

From the Servers tab in the portal, click on the Activate trial license button.


A new license key will be generated, and is listed in the table


Download the server binary to your computer

From the Servers page in the portal, a list of current binaries and the latest version will appear, click on the version relevant to your system.

sfs-server-darwin-amd64-*Mac OS 64bit
sfs-server-linux-amd64-*Linux 64bit
sfs-server-linux-arm-*Linux ARM
sfs-server-windows-amd64-*Windows 64bit

Start up the server

To start the server on linux, provide the -license and -region option for the region where your configuration is stored, in this case it is ap-southeast-2. Regardless of platform Windows/Mac/Linux the options are identical.

./sfs-server-linux-amd64-0.1.7+165230a -license m1HKmWoBK2F8vTIMl7vU -region ap-southeast-2

The server will startup with these default options

DescriptionDefaultHow to change
FTP Port2021-port21
Implicit FTP Port9990-port990
SSH Port2022-port22

Server output

Once the server is running you will see a start screen with some outputs regarding connectivity, port numbers and a splash screen:


It will only take a few seconds to load and once the SFS configuration loaded successfully message appears the configuration is loaded from the cloud and the server is ready to accept connections.

Testing the server

First, be sure to have a SFS service configuration setup in the cloud that connects to an existing S3 / Azure or GCS bucket.

You can then connect to the server using the testing port numbers. For example:


The above command will connect to localhost on port 2022 via sftp.

Logging of connections

Connection logging goes directly to stdout, there are no log files that are written by the server.

In production all log data can be output in JSON format and pushed to a file or logging service where it can be parsed and filtered.

Whenever a new connection or transfer happens it is logged like so:

INFO[0224] bytes=0 operation=login path_prefix= protocol=sftp session_id=fbc7a4e31e7152d0a05d source_ip= src_location= src_path= src_version_id="<nil>" transaction=true type=login user.home=/ user.sub=aeb2760c-fd9e-4e69-a5df-092eb7d40096 user.username=root user.uuid=5htvwc6l

The fields for logging are provided above, these are the equivalent to the JSON fields that are output. For more information on logging in production, see the deploy to production article.

Managing the server

Now that the server is running, you can view all your instances via the Instances page on the Servers tab on your portal.


The instances page will show all the instances currently running and connected to the service.

Instances will remain connected for the entire time that they run, they will reconnect in case of network failure and can continue to serve while disconnected.

Making configuration changes

You can add users to your services, add new services, or update alias information via the DocEvent portal, after doing so the server will automatically reload the configuration with a SFS configuration loaded successfully message on the console.

Manually pushing configuration changes

If there is a network failure during configuration changes the server may not receive the update. If this should happen a Reload config button is available in the console, and it will push updated configuration directly to the instance immediately.

You can also use a kill -1 SIGHUP signal on the process ID in order to tell the instance to reload it's data.


The server will then reload the configuration


Shutdown the server

The instance can also be shutdown using the Shutdown button, at which point the server will attempt to cleanly shutdown and stop the process.

Disconnect the server from the UI

An option exists to disconnect the instance from the UI, this will keep the server running, accept connections but it will no longer be managed by

That's it!

You're running your own instance locally. Now it is time to look at more options available to the server and getting it running production mode.