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Verifying service with Azure firewall enabled

When attempting to add a new Simple FTP Service with an Azure backend where you have a firewall enabled in Azure, you might run into errors when attempting to verify the service on the Web UI.  For example:

There are 2 solutions for this.

Solution 1

This is the recommended way if you are new to the Simple FTP Service.  It ensures your FTP service is working as expected.

  1. Disable the Firewall in Azure
  2. Add the service in the Web UI, verify that it is working
  3. Re-enable the firewall in Azure
  4. Add the Data IP addresses to your Azure firewall as per this list of IP addresses for the region you create the service in

Solution 2

For advanced users only

This solution is best if you already know what you are doing, and have used Simple FTP Service previously.

When verifying the service select the Ignore verification results checkbox.  This will continue to create the service, but ignore any verification errors.  You can then test the service by logging into the FTP service.

Make sure to add the Data IP addresses for your SFS region as per this list of IP addresses.

Although this is not a guarantee the service will actually work, and it is only recommended for advanced users.